Premium Medical Supplies LLC
DVT Devices

Bio Compression Systems

Bio Compression Systems, Inc., is the manufacturer of the highest-quality line of pneumatic compression therapy equipment. Read More

Ultrasonic Nebulizer and Suction Machines


Ultraneb tabletop model with adjustable supporting arm The Ultraneb nebulizer from Nouvag AG is intended for inhala- tion therapy and humidification of respiratory air. Read More

A bigger motor for generating vacuum predestinates this pump for expanded insets. Read More

The Innovative Turning and Moving System


TurnAid is developed to optimise the situations in relation with care of, moving of, and bed solutions for persons with severe physical disabilities in hospitals, institutions, or their own home. TurnAid improves the working environment just as it increases the safety and the dignity of the work with and the stay in care beds as turning and moving of persons become easy and discrete. Read More